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Places to play

Feel welcome to join one of our groups!

Sunday: Amsterdam 4.30pm – 6.30 pm more information

Sunday: Haarlem  5.00 pm – 7.00 pm more information

Sunday: Eefde in the morning more information

Sunday: The Hague 5-7 pm more information

Tuesday night: Oosthem more information

Tuesday: Utrecht 10.30 am – 12.30 am  more information

Tuesday: Almere 7-8.30 pm  more information

Tuesday: Den Haag 7.30-9.30 pm more information

Wednesday: Amsterdam 8.00 – 9.30 pm more information

Thursday: Haarlem  8.30 pm  – 10.00 pm  more information

Thursday: Amsterdam 8.00 -10.00 pm more information

Friday: Den Haag 1.30-3.30 pm more information

Saturday: Amsterdam 16.30 – 18.00 pm more information

Saturday: Melick  more information{:}{:en}Feel welcome to join one of our groups!

Sunday: Amsterdam 4.30pm – 6.30 pm more information

Sunday: Haarlem  5.00 pm – 7.00 pm more information

Sunday: Eefde in the morning more information

Sunday: The Hague 10.30-12.30 more information

Tuesday night: Oosthem more information

Tuesday: Utrecht 10.30 am – 12.30 am  more information

Tuesday: Almere 7-8.30 pm  more information

Wednesday: Amsterdam 8.00 – 9.30 pm more information

Thursday: Haarlem  8.30 pm  – 10.00 pm  more information

Thursday: Amsterdam 8.00 -10.00 pm more information

Saturday: Amsterdam 16.30 – 18.00 pm more information

Saturday: Melick  more information{:}